Roads wear out. RW Engineering can be your resource when it’s time to repair or replace them.
RW Engineering & Surveying consists of trained professional personnel who have extensive experience in the design of roads for cities, counties and states. Roadway reconstruction also includes work on sidewalks, curbs, accessible routes and ramps, driveway aprons and parking lots. A roadway reconstruction project typically includes matching the existing horizontal and vertical alignments with either a full depth restoration or an overlay. The overlay can be in the form of an asphalt overlay or the latest trend called white topping. White topping is the utilization of the thin concrete overlay. The reusing of existing curb and gutter lines or replacement with new curb and gutter lines is analyzed early on in the design process.
RW Engineering provides drawings using CAD drafting techniques to accurately portray the existing conditions and the new work to be performed. Drawings typically show plan and profiles as well as cross sections at intervals of 50-feet to illustrate the final grades. CAD drawings can be completed in either an AutoCAD or MicroStation format.
Storm drainage improvements are an integral part of any road improvement projects and RW Engineering personnel provide drainage calculations and modifications to existing drain inlets, manhole structures and piping. Other utilities also may require modifications and RW Engineering provides services for design changes or relocation of existing sanitary sewers, water mains or street lighting.
RW Engineering will prepare the necessary documents for soliciting bids for construction, provide accurate construction cost estimates and assist the municipality during the bidding process. RW Engineering personnel also tabulate the bids received, investigate low bidder’s experience and qualifications and provide a recommendation on the award of the construction contract.
RW will provide qualified full-time Resident Engineers during the construction phase, as well as Quality Control (QC) Inspectors who are intimately knowledgeable and thoroughly trained in all aspects of management and inspection of road projects.