Located in Omaha since 1980, RW completed construction of their new office building in 2020. The project began as a bare earth site that was developed along with the support of architectural, mechanical, electrical and landscape professionals.

Our responsibilities included: hydraulic modeling of stormwater systems, preparation of a drainage study and analysis, site grading, parking lot design and layout, utility design for storm sewer, sanitary sewer, gas, and water, development of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and submittal of a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit, coordination with subdivision engineer of record to ensure existing basin included the treatment and storage of our stormwater runoff and met Post Construction Stormwater Management Plan (PCSMP) requirements, and post bid services included shop drawing review, SWPPP inspections, construction observation, and on-site material testing coordination and observation.

Prior to construction the RW team coordinated with the City of Omaha Planning and Public W orks departments to ensure compliance within the property boundary , shared common entrances, and the new roadway.

RW Understand the integral parts of developing new project sites and makes coordinating with other disciplines seamless by offering a wide range of options from data collected of an existing site, to advanced modeling capabilities used to find design issues before they are constructed.


R.W. Headquarters

Construction Cost:
$1.7 million


RW staff involved:
Russell Falconer, PE
Joel Jacobsen, PLS
Scott Braun, PE
